Emma's on her way to 3!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, June 28, 2010

13 months come and gone


Just kidding!! This is just a semi-combined 6 month and 7 month letter to my sweet girl on her 7 month birthday.

Here's us celebrating your 6 month birthday at Wahoo's, which was also your first outing at 3 days old.

And here is my joy-filled sweetheart so excited to be all growed up at 7 months old, sitting up on your own and teaching your toy who's boss.

So much has happened since you were 5 months old. It's amazing how quickly you're changing! Your dad and I get the joy of seeing you every day, so sometimes we forget how much you're growing until someone sees you who hasn't seen you in a while and reminds us how big you are. But, there are moments when I watch you sleeping so peacefully and you're starting to look more and more like my little girl and less like a little baby.

In May, you took your first trip out of the state of California when we went to Nevada to see your Aunt Pamela graduate from college. As you can see, you drove the whole way.

In your sixth month, you started pushing up on your hands and toes (not your knees). This strengthened your mini-muscles to get stronger for eventual crawling and was also a very cute sight with your little bum sticking up in the air while you're on all fours.

You're still not crawling, but you have found ways to move around and get to what you want (with a very determined look on your face, no less). You push up and then plop down a few inches forward, roll from one side to the next, or just str-e-e-e-e-tch as far as you can to get what you're after. If you can't quite reach you know now how to get our attention to help you out with a little grunt. You weren't doing that a month ago.

On the eve of your six month birthday we introduced you to solid food with some pureed brown rice. You couldn't get enough and we had so much fun being part of this new experience with you.

And, here you are tonight at 7 months old enjoying zucchini, barley, and flax seed...yummy.

Since you started on solid food, you've had asparagus, avocado, zucchini, barley, apple sauce and cranberry juice, and you love it all. It's so cute seeing your mouth zone in on the spoon and then chomp down on it with such gusto. Lately you've also been grabbing the spoon and helping me feed you from time to time. You're not ready to go for it on your own, but you'll be there soon.

This month was very exciting for you for a lot of reasons. You went on your first plane ride, your first bus ride, met your great-grandma Edna and lots of great aunts and great uncles in Wisconsin, and got to see your aunts, uncles, and cousins in North Carolina. Everybody commented on how sweet and happy you are. They are all so right!

While we were in North Carolina we also celebrated your daddy's first Father's Day with your first tooth breaking through! We celebrated with a trip to Walmart, and made sweet and sour meatballs for everybody. The night ended with a bonfire in the backyard. I know your dad is so happy to have you as his little girl, and he's looking forward to many more Father's Days celebrating being your dad. A few days after that your dad and I also celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary! That's right, we've been married THAT long, and this year we celebrated with you. It's so fun getting to experience so many firsts all thanks to you being part of our lives now.

You are about a minute away from being mobile, so we lowered the mattress in your crib today so you don't try your first gymnastics move to flip out of your crib. It's just another reminder that things are changing all the time, and all the little clothes that we thought would always be too big for you are now being stored because they're too small. You love your sippy cup and you're sitting up and moving around like you've been doing it forever. I'm convinced that you say "mama" all the time, but your dad thinks that he's heard you say "dada." I'll just know that you said "mama" first :-)

My dear, we won't know what kind of parents we've been until you have kids of your own, but we're doing the very best we can and you make it super easy to be your parents. We love you so much and we always will.

Love you,
Mommy and Daddy