She also just started singing recognizable songs the other day, so now she can sing the first part of the alphabet song (she gets through C really easily but it's a little rough through G at which point she starts over). My bedtime song for her is "Jesus Loves Me" and when we were deep sea fishing on Saturday I heard her singing to herself as she was starting to take a nap. I listened more closely to hear her singing the first part of that song, "Jesus loves me, this I know." That was as far as she got, over, and over, and over, and it was the most beautiful song I've ever heard in my life. It sounds more like, "eezus ubs e isss i noo" but it's very recognizable. She makes me realize more and more everyday that it's not doing the big things one time that make as big of a difference as doing the small things all the time. I'm sure that won't be the last thing she helps me learn.
Between January and today we moved in right next door to Emma's grandma and papa (next to the house I grew up in) and it's fabulous. We have a huge yard for our dogs, a swing set for Emma, and a playhouse for all of us (a 10'x10' separate house in the backyard with electricity, carpet, windows...perfect for all of our toys - my craft stuff, Dan's music stuff, and Emma's play stuff).
She is loving it, and everything worked out so smoothly in our move. We're still unpacking here and there and don't have much up on the walls yet, but I guess we're having too much fun blowing bubbles in the backyard to care.
I could fill in the blanks with the sweet intricacies of our days and all the stats of her growing up, but instead I'll focus on her loose elbow that has prompted a couple urgent care visits and one ER visit. It started a few months ago when we were walking down some stairs and she missed a stair while I was holding her hand. There she was hanging by her hand, swinging a little while I put her down on the next stair. I would have thought "no harm done...glad I was holding her hand" except that she started crying right away and was not using her arm anymore. I held her for a bit and thought
We headed over and the doctor knew right what it was...nursemaid's elbow. It's when a little tendon in the elbow pops out and has to be popped back in - easier said than done. He tried the first time and it didn't pop but he said to give it a few minutes and see if she starts using her arm again. Not only was she not using her arm, she was continuing to cry and wince with pain putting a dagger through my heart. He came back in and tried one more time and suddenly it was like she had never had pain at all. She started using it right away, the crying stopped, and she was happy as could be. The doctor said that some kids have chronic nursemaid's elbow and he had one patient that got it so frequently that he showed the parents how to fix it. "Surely that wouldn't be us," I thought a bit smugly (insert canned laughter).
Two weeks later, Dan and I were walking out of dinner towards the car and each one of us was holding one of her hands. She leaned forward and back as kids sometimes do just having fun and there it was again...a look of "mommy/daddy, why did you just cause me excruciating pain" (dagger). She stopped using her arm and I knew exactly what it was. This time, though, the urgent care was closed (it was a late dinner) and the only place we could go was the ER. 4 hours, 1 x-ray, and $457 later (compared to the $20 copay we pay at urgent care...oh ER such a rip off) her elbow wasn't even fixed but we took her home and went to her ped's office the next day where they popped it back in successfully. Shouldn't I get my money back when the ER doc can't fix her? I would have been better off just staying at home - I digress.
And then, another two or three weeks later I picked her up from daycare and she was happy as a clam. I put her in her car seat and she was fine. When I went to take her out of her car seat at dinner, she started crying and her arm was no longer moving. I think it actually just fell out on it's own and I've considered more than once getting some duct tape to keep her in tact. Off to urgent care we went, and when we got to the one that was close to where we were the doctor ASKED ME what the treatment was for it. Um, well, since I have my M.D. (Mother's Doctorate) I told her that it needs to be popped back into place. She gave me a blank stare like I just spoke another language, and she said that they didn't do that there. Off to urgent care #2 (after confirming that they do it there) and the doctor fixed it and asked if I wanted to learn how. I was now in the league of parents who has a child with chronic nursemaid's elbow. He said that it happened to his son 6 times! She got all fixed up and it hasn't happened since (everybody reading this please knock on some nearby wood for me), but now if it does I'm appropriately armed with enough knowledge to either fix it or make it worse...yeah for me.
That's really the most exciting thing that's happened in the past few months (aside from the move, having four house guests for 13 days, getting my wallet stolen, and probably a whole slew of things that I had intended to memorialize here). And yet, life carries on.
Hopefully I'll be able to get something up (including some pictures...hullo, Lame Mom Awards given nightly) within the next 6 months, but if not: Happy 4th of July, yippee for Labor Day, Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas. I'm covered until New Years now. See you on the flip side.
Jenny! Its so great to get a little glimpse into your lives (on a day...not Christmasy)!
Love the update. Rock on you for learning how to pop her elbow back in. knocked on wood (or whatever this dining room table is made out of) for you that you won't have to practice anytime soon. I'd love to see you again- we need to have that family dinner we keep talking about. Hugs my friend!