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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So much to be thankful for

As Thanksgiving day drew to a close and we had celebrated with my family and Dan's parents all at my parents' house I was so thankful for the people that surround us as we head into a new part of our journey together (which wasn't supposed to start for another week or two). We all had a great day full of wonderful food and talking about all that was in our future with a new addition on the way. I have a whole list of things that I'm thankful for, but my family and friends top the list.

We headed home looking forward to the rest of our weekend with a little Black Friday shopping, and some rest and relaxation on Saturday and Sunday. Well, our lives were on the verge of a massive paradigm shift and we had no idea. We woke up Friday morning and Dan headed to work for a half day while I lounged around at home. He got home and we headed out to check on a couple sales and get a digital SLR camera that we wanted to have in time for labor-day with plenty of time to learn how to use it before the big day. So, we got the camera and a computer desk and planned to go out the next day to get all the last minute stuff we needed before the baby came. That night Dan said that he would figure out how to use the camera over the weekend and I said that we definitely wouldn't want to be learning how to use a new camera in the delivery room (ironic considering what happened that night).

He went to bed with the best intention of being an expert on the camera by our little girl's birth day. At 10:30 that night he was asleep, but I felt a little something different. That little something different resulted in us having our baby the next morning. But, you can imagine that there's a whole story of how the rest of the night progressed. To be continued...

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