Emma's on her way to 3!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, June 20, 2011

Some pics to make up for my pic-less-ness mess

Since my most recent post was full of ramblings with no cute pictures of my sweetness.  Here are some fun things we've done recently.  There are 21 pictures here (I'm a woman of extremes...what can I say).

Here she is in some super-fly jeggings and just overall cutie pie.

Riding in cars with boys already.

We don't get too many family pictures, but here's one of us at the park.

Moving, moving, and more moving.

Easter Eggstravaganza at church.

Emma and I at a baby shower in Arizona last month.

Our Arizona friends with Emma.

Emma L.O.V.E.D. the aquarium we visited after we got back from Arizona.

The aquarium was at the end of the pier at Manhattan Beach.  SoCal is SoAwesome!

FAMILY CAMP with our church.  Yes, we tent camped with our 18 month old and there were other families with even younger ones.  It rained the first night and the second morning, but we had a blast.

Emma couldn't get enough of the beach.  She loved the water, sand, and sun.

Another family pic on the porch of our new abode.

We had some visitors for a couple weeks...Emma's cousins and their parents stayed with us on their visit from North Carolina.  Don't you love the matching dresses that Emma and her cousin got? I'm a fan of Emma's piggies.

Just a little something I made for a friend's kid's birthday.  I named him Clyve.

Go Angels!!

My own little angel.

Planting sticks trees with her Papa Mike and great-grandma Vi.  I guess those trees will grow into something.

Emma with daddy and Papa.

Lest you think she always has a smile on her face.

Happy Father's Day to the two best dads in the world!

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